Anglican Diocese Perth Archives
About organisation
The Church of England (Anglican Church) was the established church of the colonial government of the Swan River Colony, the traditional lands of the Whadjuk Noongar people.
On 21 August 1872, the first Synod was held where the Constitution of the Diocese of Perth was adopted. The mission of the church as set out at this meeting was to: -
Proclaim the good news of the kingdom teach, baptise, and nurture new believers. Respond to human need by loving services. Strive to transform unjust structures of society. Strive to safeguard the integrity of creation and to sustain and renew the life of the earth.
The Diocese of Perth was the last state Diocese to adopt synodal government. Bishop Hale set the tone for the first Synod, stating.
"We meet for no other purpose but that which, as I have said, God puts upon us-viz, the duty of adapting the working of our Church to the circumstances in which we find ourselves placed. We go about our work deliberately and calmly; not in any heat, not under the influence of any feeling of fear, or panic, nor goaded on by any alarm for our own personal welfare."
With the formation of the Diocese of Bunbury (1904), North-West (1910) and Kalgoorlie (1914), the Province of Western Australia was created. The Archbishop of the Diocese of Perth is the metropolitan bishop of the Province of Western Australia. The Diocese of Kalgoorlie became part of the Diocese of Perth in 1973.
On 24 August 1981, the name Church of England was replaced with The Anglican Church of Australia.
The Church has contributed to the built heritage of Western Australia; buildings recognised as significant include St Georges Cathedral, Bishops House, Guildford Grammar.
The Anglican Diocese of Perth took a leading role in the ordination of women when Archbishop Peter Carnley AC announced plans to ordain women as priests in March 1992. Despite opposition and an attempted injunction to stop the ordination in the Supreme Court of Western Australia, the ordination went ahead. Archbishop Kay Goldsworthy AO went on to become the first woman Anglican Archbishop in the world.

Collection overview
The collection spans 4.2km of shelving and includes records of the Diocese of Perth and some associated organisations. Our earliest record is a baptism register which records the first baptism in the colony in 1829.
The collection is mainly paper based, but we do hold other formats including audio visual, photographs, lantern slides, costume, maps, and plans.
The collection also includes records of the homes which were run by the Church. These include Swan Homes and Swanleigh.
Contact information
Yule Drive
Middle Swan WA 6056
Visit information
Yule Drive
Middle Swan WA 6056
The archives are open by appointment only.