'Violet Day 1916' fundraising silk battalion ribbon
1916Printed silk battalion ribbon sold on Violet Day 1916 recognising the 9th Australian Light Horse Regiment. It is made from very fine cream silk which has text and an illustration printed in purple ink.
There is a rectangular colour patch divided on the diagonal, with orange-red on the upper left side and yellow-green on the lower right side, under which are the words '9th Light Horse'. Below this is a depiction of a violet with one open flower, a bud and a leaf, and next to that the word 'Remembrance' written on the diagonal.
The silk is very brittle and fragile. Pieces are missing from the colour patch in particular, and the silk is split and fraying.
Violet Day was a significant fundraising event borne out of the Cheer-Up Society in World War One, continuing through the interwar years and World War Two until 1970, when the last Violet Day was held. While isolated events with the name took place interstate, the ongoing marking of such a day was unique to South Australia and Broken Hill.
South Australia was very active on the home front during wartime, having several fundraising charities unique to the state. These included the School's Patriotic Fund, Fighting Forces Comforts Fund and the Cheer Up Society,
The fundraising buttons and battalion ribbons sold on Violet Day were sourced from the Cheer up Society.
The 9th Light Horse Regiment was formed in Adelaide and trained in Melbourne between October 1914 and February 1915. Approximately three-quarters of the regiment hailed from South Australia and the other quarter from Victoria. As part of the 3rd Light Horse Brigade, it sailed from Melbourne on 11 February and arrived in Egypt on 14 March 1915.
The colours on this silk ribbon don't seem to correspond with the colour patch of the 9th ALH which was yellow below green. However, the colours may have faded and changed in the century or more since it was made. It wasn't made to last and is a perfect example of ephemera. It is a rare survivor.
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