Cheer-Up Society fundraising advertisement card
c. 1940World War Two era Cheer-Up Society fundraising advertisement card. It features a colourful circular image of the head and shoulders of an attractive Australian Women's Army Services (A.W.A.S.) servicewoman wearing her dress uniform and hat. The rising sun badges can be seen on her hat and collar lapels.
On the reverse of the card is written nformation about the 'On-Service Badges' being sold to raise funds for the Cheer-Up Society.There is also a number, perhaps relating to the particular collection tin or box, or the collector themself.
The South Australian Cheer-up Society was established in 1914 and comprised volunteer women workers who offered support to soldiers through the distribution of comforts, provision of meals and entertainment. The society also wished to shield soldiers from alcohol and disreputable city entertainments such as bars and brothels. In World War One, they established the Cheer-Up Hut and in World War Two, the Cheer-Up Hostel.
South Australia was very active on the home front during wartime, having several fundraising charities unique to the state. These included the School's Patriotic Fund, Fighting Forces Comforts Fund, Violet Day and the Cheer Up Society.
This card appears to have been cut down from a larger display, possibly a collection box for the Cheer-Up Society Hostel.
On reverse of card:
"On-Service Badges
arranged by the Cheer-Up Society Incorp."
"Every family who has some member serving
in the Services should have a Service Badge
displayed in their home!"
"Two shillings each."
"Proceeds in aid of Cheer Up Society Funds."
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