c. 1955

An incomplete glass grinder. It comprises of a grindstone for bevelling glass on one end that is connected to a central axle and a pulley on the opposite end.

The axle has a flat plate which can be moved to three different positions.

The pulley has red paint on the face pointing inwards.

There is text on the pulley wheel.

Historical information

This machine was used in the furniture trade in the 1950s by Richard Wilson in his workshop located on Seventh Road Armadale. He was a local furniture and cabinet maker whose house was located next door to the workshop. The property was purchased by John and Lynn Visser in 19%%.



Registration number
450 mm
Height or length
257 mm
Inscriptions and markings

Text: [STENCO / 8'']

Statement of significance

Aesthetic: Machinery used in the local furniture business typical of the 1950s.
Provenance: The item was used by Richard Wilson in his furniture workshop on Seventh Road Armadale, which was next door to his home. The piece remained in the workshop when John and Lyn Visser purchased it and held onto it.
Representativeness: Of machinery used to make domestic furniture typical of Australian homes in the 1950s.
Condition: Incomplete but good condition,
Rarity: A piece of machinery used by Richard Wilson a local furniture maker,

Primary significance criteria
Artistic or aesthetic significance
Comparative significance criteria
Object’s condition or completeness
Rare or representative
Well provenanced
City of Armadale - History House

City of Armadale - History House

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