1993Three General Meetings were held in 1993.
The proceedings of the Annual General Meeting conducted on 30th March included:
- The outcome of a Dress Standard survey recommended changes which the Board resolved to trial.
- A Constitution Reform Committee (CRC) has been formed – terms of reference contained in the minutes.
- Reports form the President, Finance, Match, Course, and House were received after discussion.
- Two notices of motion, both regarding voting rights of various membership categories were not proceeded with after a point of order was raised by Mr J. R. Cooke. After discussion, the President announced that these would be passed to the CRC for consideration.
- A proposal for an amenities levy was described in detail by the Director of Finance and general discussion before it was deferred to the November 1993 General Meeting.
- The Board’s nomination for Life Membership to Dawn Johnston was carried.
- Long term volunteer and creator of “Don’s Garden”, Don Matthiessen was honoured.
The minutes include a breakdown of Board expenses for 1992 and a report on the Dress Standards survey by Director of House, Mike Petkovich.
The Special General Meeting of 10th June 1993 was called to consider a motion to amend the Constitution to provide voting rights to a broader range of club members. The motion was ultimately lost.
The proceedings of the General Meeting conducted on 3rd November included:
- Election of the President and Directors of Finance and Match
- Business on Notice regarding a report (attached) from the Constitution Review Committee, 1994 Budget and MGGC Development Principles.
The minutes have been scanned from the hardcopy book covering the period 1986 to 1995 (Item 2023.95).
Melville Glades Golf Club
Melville Glades Golf Club
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General Meeting Minutes | 1993 |
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