Children's 45 RPM records
Beige vinyl case containing 7 45 RPM vinyl records.
1. Supercalifragilisticexpialidocius and Three little fishes
2. A spoonful of sugar and Whistle while you work
3. Those magnificent men in their flying machines and Yellow submarine
4. Nursery rhymes: Three blind mice, Girls and Boys, Wee Willie Winkie,
Hickory dickory dock, I had a little nut tree, Sing a song of sixpence, Twinkle twinkle little star, Tom Tom the piper's son, See saw Margery Daw, Jack and Jill.
5. Snow White and the seven dwarfs. Rumpel-stilts-kin
6. Hail, hail the gang's all here and Ding dong dell
7. The willow pattern story. The Gingerbread man