
Two pieces of half a page (only) depicting a cartoon on one side, with the other side of the page blank.
Headed: YE ANCIENT DRU (The rest is missing - torn off).
Footer: THEY ENFORCED OBEDI (The rest is missing).
Cartoon itself depicts four 'cavemen' each wearing a one shouldered animal pelt as clothing. The cavemen are sitting around a long rectangular table. Two of the cavemen appear to be smiling, one appears shocked. The three are labeled thus: SEC, TREA, with the third AU (illegible). The fourth caveman has his head on the desk, with a cavemans club resting atop his head. The other end of the club appears to be held by a fifth person. Only his arms holding the club are visible and the front of the pelt he is wearing. There appears to be a bracelet drawn on his left wrist.
The name of the printer appears at the bottom left of the page: Dix Print, Perth.

Historical information

Found slipped inside Druitd's book of ritual order of service 2003.14a. Only partial page remaining.



Registration number
Item type
110 mm
Height or length
150 mm
Inscriptions and markings

Dix Print, Perth.

Contextual Information

The United Ancient Order of Druids (UAOD).
The original Druids existed in remote ages in Britain and Europe as a ruling order of priests.
The current organisation was established in 1781 in England. The motto of the Order is United to Assist, while their aim is stated as Unity, Peace and Concord.
There was no Druid Order operating in Toodyay. The Northam Lodge No. 306 was founded in 1893 and was still active in 1954.

Shire of Toodyay

Shire of Toodyay

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Druids ritual, cartoon

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