R.A.A.F Volunteer Air Observer Corps Certificate of Appreciation - Leonard Dunkley
The Volunteer Air Observers Corps (VAOC) was formed in December 1941 to support the Royal Australian Air Force (R.A.A.F.) by sighting and observing aircraft over Australia. The VAOC was one of three main civil defence organisations. The others were the Air Raid Precautions (ARP) groups and the Volunteer Defence Corps (VDC). Observation posts were established across Australia, staffed 24 hours per day by volunteers.
At its peak in 1944 there were about 25,000 VAOC volunteers spread across 2,656 posts and 39 control zones. They reported an average of 120,000 aircraft sightings each month.
Most VAOC observers were women, some of whom made the transition to the Women’s Auxiliary Australian Air Force (WAAAF). The WAAAF played an important role coordinating and responding to the messages posted by the VAOC.
VAOC observers were provided with basic training in aircraft identification. Observation posts were established on existing buildings, such as hotels, church towers, or fire spotting towers, or natural features such as hilltops or coastal promontories.
As the threat of invasion passed, the need for the VAOC lessened and it was disbanded progressively from January 1945.
Busselton Historical Society
Busselton Historical Society
Other items from Busselton Historical Society
- Busselton Centenary Celebrations Programme 1832-1932
- Official Opening of the New portions of the Busselton Jetty - Souvenir Programme
- 150 Years to Remember Souvenir booklet and recording
- Sketches by Mavis Lightly
- Print by Howard Bradfield
- Jerome Steeple Clock
- Invitation to the Driving of a Pile in the new Jetty, Busselton
- Souvenir of Busselton
- Knapton Pit Sawn Table
- Postcard - St Mary's Church Busselton. Oldest in W.A.
- Hand Cast Brass Lunch Bell from Fairlawn
- Jug and Basin Decorated with Acorns