WAGR locomotive "Katie"
1959C class 1 "Katie", restored for display at the Royal Showgrounds, side and front view
Photo type: black and white.
Other items by WAGR
- WAGR N class after collision
- Bauxite Train, derailed, 3 of 4
- WAGR W class
- Derailment of Iron Ore train, 4 of 4
- Electric Safety Fence, Swan View
- Perth Goods Shed
- NSWGR C3801 locomotive
- Horse and dray, Kalgoorlie Station
- Ganger's Tricycle
- WAGR L class
- Bogie Louvered Van
- Derailment of Iron Ore train, 3 of 4
More items like this
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- WAGR Vintage train at Busselton Jetty
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- Millars loco No.71 at Yarloop with Vintage Train
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