
This hickory shaft putter was used by its owner, Foundation Member Brent Matthews, when he commenced playing golf at MGGC.

Given the club is well over 100 years old, it is still in very good condition apart from a slight bow in the shaft and scratches on the aluminium head.

Historical information

This club was brought to Australia by Miss Gwendoline Brenton of St German's in Cornwall when she came to marry John Matthews (Brent's father). John, his parents, and three siblings had come from Cornwall in 1926 to take up farming in Nungarin, WA. Gwen and her sister Amy were keen golfers in Cornwall and Gwendoline certainly intended to continue playing in Australia.

John and Gwen both played golf for many years at the Nungarin Golf Club as did her son Brent when he was home from Northam School and UWA.

When Gwen died in 1962 Brent was given her golf clubs to add to his own small set he had used as a student. He particularly loved his hickory shaft putter. When he became a Foundation Member of MGGC it was part of his set he initially used for play. Over the years he upgraded his clubs and the putter became an item of pride which he displayed at home.

Brent was a member of MGGC for 43 prior to leaving and although his large set of clubs were given to a younger relative who is an aspiring golfer, the putter was kept by Brent as a possession with special memories.



Registration number
Item type
Inscriptions and markings

On the base: Braid Mills / 1915 Model / Flat Lie / 10ozs 0drs

On the top: Standard Golf Co. Sunderland / Mills Patent 151187

Statement of significance

When MGGC commenced the playing of golf in 1969 hickory clubs had become dated. However, the fact that Brent Matthews used this club likely indicates that many other early MGGC players were also likely to have had an assortment of hickory clubs in their equipment. As such the club is considered to relevant to the history of MGGC.

Public Location
Melville Glades Golf Club

Melville Glades Golf Club

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Topic Association Dates
Golf Equipment 1915
MATTHEWS, John Hugh Brenton (Brent) Hickory club owned by Brent

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