Dorothy And David Henneker
1963Dorothy Henneker in short sleeved frock holding baby David in her arms. Above her head is a clothes line with pegs attached and in the background is an open picket fence, tree and barbecue made from a drum.
Dorothy Henneker (nee McColl) married David William Henneker on the 4th June 1951. David became the police constable who supervised the Claremont Police Boys Club. Children: Frances (b.1952), William (b.1954), Keith (b.1959), Gail (b.1960) and David (b.1962).
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Copyright and Reference
Acknowledgements to be made to 'Claremont Museum 08.63'.
More items like this
- Dorothy Henneker
- Dorothy And Keith Henneker
- Keith Henneker, 66 Victoria Avenue, Claremont
- Keith And Gail Henneker, 66 Victoria Avenue, Claremont
- Keith And William Henneker, Freshwater Bay
- Keith Henneker, 66 Victoria Avenue, Claremont
- William Henneker, 66 Victoria Avenue, Claremont
- Henneker Children, 66 Victoria Avenue, Clarmont
Other items from Claremont Museum
- Anastasia And David Henneker
- Keith Henneker, 66 Victoria Avenue, Claremont
- Dorothy And David Henneker, 66 Victoria Avenue, Claremont
- David Henneker, 66 Victoria Avenue, Claremont
- David Henneker, 66 Victoria Avenue, Claremont
- David And Gail Henneker, 66 Victoria Avenue, Claremont
- David Henneker Climbing A Gate
- State Catholic Tennis Team
- David Henneker, 66 Victoria Avenue, Claremont
- Henneker Children, 66 Victoria Avenue, Claremont
- David And Dorothy Henneker, 66 Victoria Avenue, Claremont
- David, Gail And Keith Henneker, 66 Victoria Avenue, Claremont

Source: Claremont Museum 08.63
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