Dempster Cabinet


Wooden cabinet with glass door

Historical information

Specimens of rock from various parts of the State have been identified and are displayed in the cabinet. (From Official Annual 1965).
The cabinet contains:

a. Honorary Life Members' badges returned by families of deceased HLM and now mounted on wooden plaques. These include:
Mrs A Spillman, Mrs M Adamson, Mrs S Wilson, Mrs M Craven-Griffiths, Mrs B Fisher, Mrs A Williams, Mrs B Exelby, Mrs F Craig, Mrs M Cargeeg, Mrs I Spencer, Kate Clarkson, Mrs C Burt.
Mrs A Campbell, Mrs L Higgins, Mrs R Meadowcroft.

b. Lace Making unit with bobbins and lace and two pattern books (pattern books are stored in Archives library)

c. Miniature of CWA Craft Shop in old CWA House, 1174 Hay Street, West Perth - donated by member Mrs Irene Dodd.

d. Perpetual Shield awarded to CWA Speaker of the Year winners (CWA record number 5264)

e. Ida Spencer Trophy - Silver Cup (CWA record number 5265)

f. Silver Spoon with CWA cutout

g. Leather Bible (CWA record number 1473)



Registration number
Item type
Inscriptions and markings

Brass plaque attached:
In memory of Rona Dempster
State President 1947 - 1950
National President 1948 - 1949

Contextual Information

Originally a display cabinet located in the foyer of Headquarters (1174 Hay St), in memory of the late Mrs G Dempster, it was unveiled by the State President (Mrs Marjorie Maughan).

Country Women's Association of WA

Country Women's Association of WA

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Dempster Cabinet
Dempster Cabinet plaque
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