Sketch Quindalup School


Black and white sketch of Quindalup School by Mavis Lightly August 1967

Historical information

This building was burnt down Christmas Day 1968. It was built about 1859 - 1862 as a dining hall etc. for 'Ticket of Leave Men' who were sent to work at Yelverton Mill. It was built with several other buildings by H Yelverton for the government of the day - the buildings were, the dining hall, a prison cell, a 2 room cottage that served as a police officers quarters. The Ticket of Leave Men were accommodated in tents. The building operated in later years as a government school. The prison cell was pulled down and the stone used to make and repair local roads. The cottage was in part incorporated in the house built when the property was occupied by John Harwood.
This information was given by Mrs H Yelverton III in an interview February 1969.
Recollections of Mr Henry Yelverton III aged 90 years (1969)
In an interview on 22/1/1969, Mr yelverton discussed the history of the Old Building at Quindalup which was erased by fire on Christmas Day 1968 - and known as the Old School - and sometimes, erroreously as the old Quindalup Gaol. He related how the old building was one of several erected by his grandfather but financed by the Government of the day. The work-force then being ticket-of-leave men, and it was the policy of the day to assist development in this manner.
The Old School caused much interest in recent years being built as a dining room and recreation room for the ticket-of-leave men who had tents near the several buildings in connection with the supplied labour for the Yelverton Mills. A stone cell and a police office ( & customs) and a two-roomed cottage was also erected for the housing of the Police Sergeant.
Notes by J.G. Taylor.
Typed: December, 1972:
as per "copy" supplied.



Registration number
Item type
34 mm
Height or length
27.5000 mm
Primary significance criteria
Artistic or aesthetic significance
Historic significance
Busselton Historical Society

Busselton Historical Society

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