150th Western Australian Celebrations


A coloured photograph of a cream vehicle and a float on the back of a truck.

Historical information

A float parade was held in Katanning in October 1979. This was held at Show time, and was part of 150th Celebrations of Western Australia. The photograph was taken in Clive Street, Katanning.



Registration number
Item type
Inscriptions and markings

On the back of the photograph on a typed piece of paper stuck to the photograph is "Katanning Historical Museum Archives Collection of Memorable Photos. A float parade was held in Katanning in October 1979. This was held at show time and was part of the 150th Celebration's. Photos taken in Clive Street. Woodanilling Historical Society"

On the back of the photograph in faded red ink is "Kodak for colour FEB 80"

Statement of significance

Western Australia celebrated 150 years of European settlement in 1979

Public Location

Please contact the Katanning Historical Society for reproduction of image or for access to a higher resolution image.

Attribution requirements

Courtesy of Katanning Historical Society.

Katanning Historical Society

Katanning Historical Society

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Katanning Float Parade
Katanning Float Parade
Back of photograph of Katanning Float Parade
Back of photograph of Katanning Float Parade

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