Photograph of a group of people around a car

c. 1921

Black and white photograph of a sheepdog, three young women dressed in white sitting on a running board of a car, man sitting in driving position, woman behind, along with a man leaning on car bonnet.

Historical information

The people have been identified as - back L-R: Gladys Morrell, Duncan Morrell & Lindsay Morrell. Front L-R: Ivy Morrell, Freda Wilson & Effie Robinson.



Registration number
Item type
105 mm
Height or length
82 mm
Inscriptions and markings

Handwritten on reverse, "To Fred, Carol took this one with Freda's camera and I printed it. It was taken one Sunday at Wilsons. The girl with the flag in her hand is Miss Robinson the teacher at N. Greenough. Love From Ivy."

Contextual Information

This photograph provides evidence of the prosperity of some families at Greenough at that time and their uptake of new technology.

Primary significance criteria
Social or spiritual significance
Comparative significance criteria
Interpretive capacity
Well provenanced
Greenough Museum and Gardens

Greenough Museum and Gardens

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Photograph of group of friends with a car
Photograph of a groups of friends at Greenough and their car

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