1910 - 1911

Red imitation leather spine, grey hard cover with gold text in middle [ROADS BOARD / RATE BOOK]. Inside white lines pages divided into columns. On the inside of the front cover and on the first page are white paper labels with black printed text. The title of the first label [DIRECTIONS FOR GUIDANCE OF SECRETARY.]. Title of second label [Specimen only of a Memorandum Ordering Rate to be Levied.]
Text hand written in columns. Contains in alphabetical order the names of land owners within the roads board boundary.

Historical information

The Armadale-Kelmscott Road Board was gazetted in 1894 during a period of growth with new families and individuals moving to the area to establish new homes, farms and businesses, prompted by the Western Australian Gold Boom and the construction of a railway line from Perth Bunbury that had stops at Kelmscott, Armadale and Beenup (Byford).
Road Boards had been established in 1871 with the primary purpose to create and maintain roads in their area. Rate Books were used by the Road Board as a legislated record of all land owners in the district and the rates attributed to the land that they owned. The rates were used to help fund the activities of the Road Board which in the early 1900s primarily focussed on administration, salaries and the construction and maintenance of local roads and drains.



Registration number
Item type
51.5000 cm
Height or length
38.5000 cm
3 cm
Year End
Statement of significance

This object is part of a collection of items that represent the role that local government has played in providing services to its local community. The City of Armadale was formed in 1894 as the Kelmscott Road Board and has grown from a time when it only provide roads and drains to today when the City provides a wide range of services including waste collection, libraries, museum, parks, sporting facilities, building licenses, environmental services, public events, street lighting, ranger services and community facilities.

Comparative significance criteria
Interpretive capacity
Rare or representative
Well provenanced
City of Armadale - History House

City of Armadale - History House

Organisation Details
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Page 1 of the Armadale Kelmscott Roads Board Rate Book with a gridwork of red lines printed in rows and columns with black print for all words on the page. Hand written over this gridwork is a message from the Road Board outlining the rates to be applied  during 1910-1911

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