2017 - 2018

This item has a pair of interviews with Foundation Member George Drimatis.

These were conducted as part of the Golden Anniversary celebrations of MGGC. Thus, George would have been a member of the club for 50 years at the time of these celebrations.

The first interview was completed in 2017 by Dale Davies and the second in 2018 by Frank Davies, both fellow club members.

The attachments to this item include the actual audio files, transcripts of the interview, and a picture of George with Frank Davies.

There is overlap in the content of the interviews.

Dale and Frank captured both the audio and prepared the transcripts for their respective interviews.

The file size of the attachment Foundation Member Interview - George Drimatis with Frank Davies.mp3 is 20MB.




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Melville Glades Golf Club

Melville Glades Golf Club

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DRIMATIS, George George's interviews with Dale Davies and Frank Davies about his recollections of 50 years at the club 2017-2018
Foundation Member Recollections George Drimatis was interviewed by both Dale Davies and Frank Davies 2017-2018
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