Claremont Baths
1925Claremont Baths looking north. A wooden platform extends into the 'Boys' Baths' from the walkway in front of the male changing cubicles or 'bunks'. A diving board extends from either end of the platform. There are people on the platform, diving from the right hand board, climbing the ladder from the water and waiting to do so. Three men in suits are standing with their backs to the men's toilet and three people in bathers are on the roof of the bunks. In the background are the wooden walkway from Chester Road to the baths, cars and a truck in a car park, grassed foreshore and fences, heavily vegetated bank, rear of houses in Victoria Avenue and several windmills on the horizon.
Photo taken from the high diving platform on the south side of the baths.
Handwritten in pencil on the rear is [ Claremont Baths/ 1925.].
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Acknowledgements to be made to 'Claremont Museum 12.105'.
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Source: Claremont Museum 12.105
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