Returned Sailors' Soldiers' & Airmen's Imperial League of Australia Charter

c. 1945

A beige coloured document set in a brown wooden frame. The document has the façade of a building with a gable roof and two ionic pillars with with italic writing between the two pillars. In the middle of the gable roof is a shield with a crown above it, inside the shield is a circle with three men, one dressed in navy uniform, the next army uniform and finally an air force man. Around the circle is a black border with white lettering which reads "RETURNED SAILORS SOLDIERS & AIREMENS". Below the shield is a black scroll with white lettering which reads "IMPERIAL AUSTRALIA LEAGUE". Underneath the shield is written in black typed lettering "LEST WE FORGET".
The writing on the left hand pillar details the major battles of the First World War, whilst the pillar on the right hand side details the major battles of the Second World War. Along the base of the building are three pictures which represent the different services of the Australian Defence Force. The pictures from left to right are a battle ship, soldiers with guns and an artillery gun and the last picture is of two fighter aeroplanes.

The document is a charter of the Return Sailors', Soldiers' & Airmen's Imperial League of Australia.

Historical information

The document details that the Katanning sub-branch of this league was formed on the 4th December 1917.



Registration number
Item type
54 cm
Height or length
66.7000 cm
Inscriptions and markings

Underneath the pictures are the following initials "R.A.N. A.I.F. C.M.F. R.A.A.F. W.R.A.N.S. A.A.N.S A.W.A.S. A.A.M.W.S. W.A.A.A.F." which represent the different sections of the Australian Defence Force.

Primary significance criteria
Historic significance

Please contact the Katanning Historical Society for reproduction of image.

Attribution requirements

Courtesy of Katanning Historical Society.

Katanning Historical Society

Katanning Historical Society

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Returned Sailors' Soldiers & Airmen's Imperial League of Australia Charter
Returned Sailors' Soldiers' & Airmen's Imperial League of Australia Charter

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