Historical marker

c. 1985

Wooden base with a brass plaque fixed to it commemorating the sesquicentenary of the first exploration of the Great Southern. The top of the marker imprinted with Historical Marker and below a clock face showing 1829 to 1985 with hands pointing to 1835 and 1985 clock showing foundation of the colony 1829 and exploration for the great Southern 1835 and sesquicentenary 1985.



Registration number
Item type
38 mm
Height or length
48 mm
2.5000 mm
Inscriptions and markings

"time clock showing foundation of the colony 1829"
"Exploration of the Great Southern 1835 and sesquicentenary 1985.
"This plaque commemorates the sesquicentenary of
the first exploration of the Great Southern by a
party led by the surveyor general John Septimus Roe.
Roes "Great Southern Expedition of 1835" twice traversed
the Katanning area. In November 1835 they passed east
of Katanning near Coyrecop Lake en route to Albany and on
the return journey to York in December 1835 passed west of
Katanning. The movement of pastoralists into the area followed
Roe's very favourable reports on the districts potential.
The members of the expedition are listed below.
South Bound Party - Captain J.S. Roe R.N. Surveyor General, Sir James Stirling R.N. Governor of the Swan River Colony, Chas Rossmore Norcott Police Superintendant, Arthur Trimmer (York Grazier), Andrew Stirling (Governors secretary), Geo Eliot, Commissioner John Lewis, Police Troopers - John Stanton, Patrick Hefron, John Craigie, George Syred, Jesse Wood and Migo (Native Tracker)
North Bound Party - Captain J.S. Roe R.N. Surveyor General, Chas Rossmore Norcott Police Superintendant, Police Troopers - Hefforn, Craigie, Syred, Wood and Stanton and Migo (Native tracker)"
"Plaque donated by the Katanning Old Mill Restoration Committee Unveiled by Jas A. Roe on 22/9/84 Creative Concept by Lloyd Nelson"
"Wilson Engraving Works"


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Courtesy of Katanning Historical Society.

Katanning Historical Society

Katanning Historical Society

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Historical Marker
Historical Marker

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