Subiaco Museum > Records


c. 1918

Black and white portrait photograph of Private Harcourt Lawrenson Swaine in First World War Uniform posing with an elderly lady.

Historical information

Swaine was a Private in the 56th Battalion for the First World War. Formerly an electrician, he enlisted for service on the 7 January 1918 at the age of 34. He had previously tried to enlist, but was unsuccessful due to a diagnosed 'rupture' of some description and consequently denied entry into the AIF until it was operated on. After enlistment in 1918, Swaine was assigned to the D3 Depot as a Private, where he attended training school from 9 March 1918 to 7 June 1918. He left Sydney for Europe aboard the Felimarschall on 19 June 1918. He disembarked on 26 August 1918 and joined the 14th Tng Battalion in Codford. He was then alloted to the reinforcements of the 54th Battalion, later being transfered to the Reinforcements of the 56th Battalion. Swaine returned to Australia abord the Barambah on 3 September 1919, disembarking in Fremantle on 17 October 1919. Officially being discharged on 2 November 1919.
He was an electrician who resided at 150 Hay Street, Subiaco. Later he moved to 1280 Hay Street, Perth in the years immediately prior to the First World War.



Registration number
Item type
Statement of significance

Historic: Served as a Private in the First World War.
Condition: Digital image, good condition and highly reproducable.
Interpretive: Can be used in any number of displays or events around the First World War and specifically people form Subiaco or WA who served in it, early 20th century people etc.

Primary significance criteria
Historic significance
Comparative significance criteria
Interpretive capacity
Object’s condition or completeness
Subiaco Museum

Subiaco Museum

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Harcourt Swain in uniform
Harcourt Swain in uniform

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