Subiaco Museum > Records


1929 - 1960

Sepia digital photograph of Flight Sergeant Laurence Keith Nicholl (Service Number -4155383) in a casual shirt.

Historical information

Nicholl was a Flight Sergeant for the Royal Australian Airforce serving in the 454 Squadron in the Second World War, his final position was as an airgunner for thecrew of a Sergeant Paterson. Nicholl, Paterson and their two crewmates (see 2015.13 for more information) were detailed to carry out an important operation over the Aegean Sea, and subsequently failed to return to base. Nicholl and his fellow officers disappeared over the Aegean Sea on 30 December 1943 in a 'flying battle' and were consequently presumed dead as their bodies was not recovered. His next of kin was his mother Anneline Nicholl who lived on 159 Barker Road Subiaco.



Registration number
Item type
Statement of significance

Historic: Nicholl served in World War Two Social: His and his fellow flightmates have a poignant, interesting and sad story of service. Condition: Digital image Interpretive: Can be used in any number of dispays and collections about the Second World War, missing persons, service people of Subiaco etc.

Subiaco Museum

Subiaco Museum

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Laurence Kieth Nicholl in casual shirt, Second World War
Laurence Kieth Nicholl in casual shirt, Second World War

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