Subiaco Museum > Records



Black and white photograph
Front: Lord Baden-Powell in the process of inspecting a line of scouts. The boy at the forefront of image is wearing long shorts, shirt with rolled, short sleeves and cravat, carrying a long bamboo pole. A collection of badges is sewn onto the sleeve of the right arm of the shirt. Lord Baden-Powell in the centre of the image is wearing long shorts and long woollen socks, a belted jacket, shirt and tie and a broad brimmed hat. He has his own collection of badges on the left-hand side of his jacket and he too carries a bamboo pole. Another man in this uniform appears on Lord Baden-Powell's right, along with two further men and another scout. Two canvas tents are discernible in the background. The photograph was taken out of doors.
Handwritten note: 'Lord Baden-Powell's visit, 1928? Shenton Park scouts, cubs and rovers attended.'

Historical information

Photograph of Lord Baden-Powell



Registration number
Item type
200 mm
Height or length
150 mm
Statement of significance

Local and social history
Historic: Social:

Primary significance criteria
Historic significance
Social or spiritual significance
Subiaco Museum

Subiaco Museum

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