Loreto Campus Of John XXIII College
1990Six photographs of the Loreto campus.
Rear view of main block showing arched doorways and window of white-painted ground floor and balustrade to balconies of 2 upper floors.
Turned wooden balustrade to balconies and fire escape at rear of building.
Fire escape from second floor showing newel posts on each flight of wooden stairs.
Close-up of the balustrade.
Details of wooden verandah floor showing mitred corner. Ends of original boards have been replaced. Chamfered post in foreground. Chapel on left.
Rear verandah showing doorway with fanlight and sidelights within arch. Lower flights of fire escape showing newel posts and balustrade, wooden treads, 'mini orb' corrugated lining to underside of upper flight of stairs.
Taken to record Loreto site buildings before demolition in 1991.
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Copyright and Reference
Acknowledgements to be made to 'Claremont Museum 05.415'.
Other items from Claremont Museum
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- 1 Barnfield Road, Claremont
- 2 Barnfield Road, Claremont
- 3 Barnfield Road, Claremont
- 4 Barnfield Road, Claremont
- 5 Barnfield Road, Claremont
- 6 Barnfield Road, Claremont
- 7 Barnfield Road, Claremont
- 8 Barnfield Road, Claremont
Loreto Campus Of John XXIII College
Source: Claremont Museum 05.415c
Loreto Campus Of John XXIII College
Source: Claremont Museum 05.415a
Loreto Campus Of John XXIII College
Source: Claremont Museum 05.415b
Loreto Campus Of John XXIII College
Source: Claremont Museum 05.415f
Loreto Campus Of John XXIII College
Source: Claremont Museum 05.415d
Loreto Campus Of John XXIII College
Source: Claremont Museum 05.415e
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