
The six-page Newsletter was sent to prospective members of the proposed "Melville Area Golf Club" in April 1968 during the foundation period of the club.

The Newsletter is signed off by Murray Day as "Project Secretary". Murray Day was one of the Founding Committee members.

This newsletter contains Minutes of the first Annual General Meeting held on 29 February 1968 as follows:

- Election of Office Bearers and Councillors

- Election of auditor

- Progress Report:

(1) Clubhouse

(2) Course Construction

(3) Reticulation System

(4) Conclusion

- Membership

- Staff

- Complimentary

Other points of interest:

- Entrance Road

- Loan Funds

- W.A.G.A. Affiliation

- Forthcoming Social

- Course Architect

- Request for suggestions

A 'tear off' section on the back page gave an opportunity for players to enter a four-ball competition and/or a buffet Social arranged at the Lakes Golf Course, Jandakot.

The newsletter is printed on foolscap size paper folded in half with pages 3 and 4 inserted separately.

Note: This Newsletter has been copied from the contents of another file (Item 2021.115) that contains all of the correspondence of the club during 1968.




Registration number
168 mm
Height or length
206 mm
Inscriptions and markings

Murray Day

Melville Glades Golf Club

Melville Glades Golf Club

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Topic Association Dates
Club Formation April 1968
Newsletters April 1968
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