Medal group - 330 HATCHER, 16 Battalion AIF


Medal group of 4 medals including Military cross awarded to 330 Captain Clifford Herbert Hatcher. The medals are Court Mounted with replacement ribbons.

Historical information

Military Cross

'For gallantry and devotion to duty in command of a machine gun company during the attack on the Hindenburg LIne near Le Vergieur, north west of St. Quentin, on 18th September 1918. He led his company over with the first wave of the attacking infantry and quickly got his guns into action under heavy shell and machine gun fire, covering the advance to the second objective. Later, when ordered at short notice to move to the second objective and assist the advance to the final objective, he, by his energy and total disregard for personal danger, got all his guns up in time, sited them, and greatly assisted the infantry. He did fine work.'
Source: 'Commonwealth Gazette' No. 129
Date: 20 November 1919



Registration number
Inscriptions and markings

The Group consists of: Military Cross, 1814-15 Star, British War Medal and Victory Medal.

Contextual Information

This Medal Group is displayed in the Traditions Gallery at the Australian Army Museum of Western Australia.

Australian Army Museum of Western Australia

Australian Army Museum of Western Australia

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