Bell from Houghs Blacksmith Shop

1890 - 1906

Small cast iron bell with with a cast iron striker and a single chin link. The bell has engraving that was put on at a much later date.

Historical information

The first Blacksmith shop in Busselton was opened by James Barsey (Barzay), around 1865, as part of his General Store on the corner of Prince and West Street Busselton. In 1886 a new Blacksmith shop was erected in the same location for Walter Sunter. In 1888 a second Blacksmith shop was erected in central Prince St by Mr W Cridland. Cridland worked this shop until he left Busselton for Quindalup in 1890 to work for Henry Yelverton and sold the shop to Mr CJ Hough. Hough operated this business until 1896 when he took Mr Robert Donald as a partner. This partnership continued until Hough left the business in July 1906. Robert Donald continued as blacksmith and wheelwright until the 1920s when William Aspley purchased the business.



Registration number
Item type
8 cm
11 cm
Inscriptions and markings

Engraved on the bell is the following wording which was added at a much later date

This Shop Bell
Was used in Hough's Shop
(Built about 1896)
Corner of Prince & Queen Street
Where Sussex House Now Stands

Contextual Information

Mr CJ Hough ran a Blacksmithing business on corner of Prince and Queen Street Busselton from 1890 to 1906 and this bell was used in his shop so that customers could call him from his workshop. Mr Hough may have made this bell himself.

Year End
Primary significance criteria
Historic significance
Social or spiritual significance
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Busselton Historical Society

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Small cast iron bell that was used in Hough's Blacksmith shop in Busselton
Small cast iron bell that was used in Hough's Blacksmith shop in Busselton
Interior of the bell showing the striker
Interior of the bell showing the striker
Hough and Donald Blacksmith shop.  Photo 0320 from BHS Archive
Hough and Donald Blacksmith shop. Photo 0320 from BHS Archive

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