Certificate of Merit


Paper certificate of merit landscape approx A4 size. Faded hand coloured. Issued 1905.

Historical information

Fremantle Rifle Club Certificate of Merit presented to a club member that consistently achieved high (winning) scores. The certificate has three hand drawn representations of the fall of Richard Halligan's shots on three targets representing different competitions. Halligan went on to have a stellar sporting career.



Registration number
Inscriptions and markings

Fremantle Rifle Club Certificate of Merit (c 1904/5) “Australian Home Defence This witnesseth that Richard J Halligan did on Dec 27th 1904 and on December 29th 1904 make such splendid shooting with his rifle as shewn which did bring renown to himself and honor to his Club. [Signed] Arthur S Dean Hon Sec, J A Naylor Captain.”
[Pictorial 1 target] "Union Stores Cup 500 yds 55,5,55,5,55,55 – 50"
[Pictorial 2 target] "NRA Meeting 1904/5 800 yds 555,5,5,5,5 – 35"
[Pictorial 3 target] "Commonwealth Match 900 yds 45,5,5,5,5,5,4,4,5 – 47"

Contextual Information

A rare surviving example of a paper award for accumulative achievement in rifle shooting. Most awards are trophies for achievements for specific competitions. The certificate provides a rare hand drawn pictorial record of the fall of shots on three targets.

Perth Fremantle Rifle Club

Perth Fremantle Rifle Club

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Certificate of Merit 1905
Certificate of Merit 1905

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