Small commemorative pressed glass tankard


A small clear glass and ruby glass tankard. The clear glass features button arches and ruby glass above the arches. An inscription appears on the ruby glass featuring a name and details of the event it commemorates.

Historical information

The tankard commemorates the visit of the Great White Fleet to Albany, which took place from 11 - 17 September 1908



Registration number
Item type
65 mm
Height or length
82 mm
205 g
Inscriptions and markings

Bernice / American Fleet Souvenir / 1908

Contextual Information

The tankard commemorates the visit of the Great White Fleet to Albany, which took place from 11 - 17 September 1908. The visit was part of a diplomatic mission that demonstrated the maritime power of the United Sates of America in the Atlantic and Pacific oceans. The fleet was in Albany from 11 - 17 September as a logistic necessity with the ships being short of coal. The fleet's arrival was welcomed by a 21 gun salute from the Royal Princess Fortress Battery and the compliment was returned by USS Connecticut. The Mayors of Albany and Perth (Mr. Cuthbert Mackenzie and Mr. T. G. Molloy), along with the Western Australian Governor, Sir Frederick Bedford, Rear Admiral W.H. Emery from the USS Minnesota, and a large crowd witnessed the official march past of the US marines, also referred to as 'blue jackets', through the streets of the town on 15 September 1908.

Primary significance criteria
Artistic or aesthetic significance
Historic significance
Social or spiritual significance
Comparative significance criteria
Interpretive capacity
Well provenanced
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Princess Royal Fortress Military Museum

Princess Royal Fortress Military Museum

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American White Fleet small ruby and clear glass tankard souvenir
American White Fleet small ruby and glass tankard souvenir

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