Boy's Match Play Pyramid

The Match Play Pyramid was devised by Kevin Blacker, the Junior Coordinator. It was modelled on “Bumping Board” competitions such as at tennis, squash clubs etc. During the summer school holidays with minimal supervision it kept junior golfers active in a less structured manner.
  • Small cup hooks were screwed onto a board in lines forming a triangle - 'the Pyramid'.
  • Plastic luggage tags with participants’ names hung on the pyramid from the second top row.
  • The initial placement was set up by a draw leaving the top of the triangle vacant for the final match playoff. The best players could have to start from anywhere.
  • From a lower level, challengers could issue an invitation to anyone across the line above, to a round of match play within an agreed but specified time. The object to be at the top two places ready for the fixtured final playoff date.
  • The times of play were by individuals’ agreement within a specified period.
  • Walkovers or result cards signed and returned through the professional's shop; name tags adjusted accordingly by the players after they played or decided their matches.
The whole structure was self-regulated by overall interest and adjudicated by the Junior Players Committee that promulgated rules.

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Topic Association Dates
BLACKER, David Winner 1984
GREEN, R. Winner 1985
BLACKER, David Winner 1986
TRAINOR, Sean A. Winner 1987
MORGAN, Grant Winner 1988
TRAINOR, Sean A. Winner 1989
PEARCE, Craig Winner 1990
MA, Frank Winner 2000
Melville Glades Golf Club

Melville Glades Golf Club

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Boy's Match Play Pyramid
Boy's Match Play Pyramid