MGGC History and Heritage Committee

The History and Heritage Committee manages the MGGC historical archive. This Topic is a summary of the Committee’s history. Several associated items contain more detail on this aspect.
The Archives Working Group was formed by the MGGC Board in 2017 to “record and develop information about the Club’s history to ensure an enduring record for the Club’s future.” Its role was specified in the associated item “Terms of Reference” item by a series of responsibilities. The inaugural Group meeting occurred on the 5th of September 2017 as a follow up to the work of the 50th Anniversary Working Party. There were four members at that stage, including the Chair, Max Hannah.
During the first two years of operation two attempts were made to develop an archive registration database “in-house”; one using Excel and the second a tailor-made cloud storage database developed by club member Ali Bakhshi. Both options proved unsuccessful.
In July 2020 the MOSAiC archive database software was purchased and installed after approval was obtained from the club’s Board following a submission by the AWG. The software was installed on one of the administration office’s computers with data stored on the club’s servers to facilitate data backup. MOSAiC provides a registration system for historical archives using Microsoft Access as its database. This step provided a disciplinary process for the Group and saw the commencement of registration of archive content. In addition to registering the archive items the database incorporated links to digital representations of each item.
In October 2021 the Archive Working Group changed to the more appropriately named History and Heritage Committee. This formalisation of the group was detailed in the club’s By-Laws with its roles and responsibilities specified as:
1. Recommend for Board approval, procedures for maintaining an historical record of the Club and promulgating that record to Members.
2. Ensure the collection, recording, storage and access to Club records and memorabilia meets the Board’s requirements for information security, compliance with the Privacy Act (1988) and, any other related legislation. On joining the HHC, all members are to sign a Club Confidentiality Agreement and acknowledge that all the information, documents or other archived items remain the property of the Club.
3. Seek Board authorisation for access to any records that are not routinely published to the general membership, are commercial in confidence, contain the Members’ or employees’ personal information or, any other information so directed by the Board.
Three years after registration of archive content using MOSAiC the archive was published online using the Collections WA system allowing club members and the public to view the content. This result followed more than a year negotiating with CWA to achieve the successful loading of the MOSAiC database.