MGGC Golf Premier League

This event was an initiative by a private organisation to run a seasonal competition for interested members of golf clubs. Golfpl suggest that clubs can increase membership and revenue by encouraging teams of members to enter the league competition.
The event links into Golflink (Golf Australia's golf handicapping system) to obtain scores for  the League which appears to operate like a football (soccer) premier league system where teams compete against each other over several competitions.
Only one result (2018) is recorded for the MGGC event. It appears that there was insufficient interest generated and it is likely that the Covid pandemic in 2020/21 further impacted on the competition.
The Golfpl website provides more details of this competition. MGGC Newsletters February 2018 (item 2021.293) and March 2018 (item 2021.292) also include articles describing this event.

Related Records

Record Association Dates
GOLF PREMIER LEAGUE TROPHY Event with assocaited results for this trophy. 2018

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Golf Premier League
Golf Premier League