City of Armadale - History House
The piano was first purchased by George and Laura Dumsday in Melbourne on the 20th September 1887 from WH Glen & Co. The Dumsday family moved to Western Australia in early 1900 bringing the piano with them. In 1908 the family moved to Forrestdale, then known as East Jandakot, an area west of Armadale. Though the locality was originally in the Jandakot Road Board the families living in the area were more closely connected to Armadale and in 1911 Forrestdale became a part of the Armadale Kelmscott Road Board. Music played an important role in the Dumsday's family life and it was a passion they liked to share with the local community. The piano was often put on the back of a cart and moved around Forrestdale for a number of events including concerts at the local hall and in 1911 down by the shores of Lake Jandakot for the first Forrestdale Christmas Tree Fête.
Click on the image above to learn more about the piano and hear a recording of The Maple Leaf Rag being played on this piano (performed by Cathie Travers in 2014, written by Scott Joplin in 1899).

The Dumsday family piano sitting by Lake Jandakot (today known as Forrestdale Lake) for the community's first Christmas Tree Fete in 1911. PH340, Birtwistle Local Studies Library