Subiaco Museum
Subiaco Museum
The Little Story of Tonsie and Teddy
Everyone knows the story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears, but Subiaco has its very own teddy bear story. Barbara Van Onselen spent her childhood growing up at 98 Gloster St, Subiaco.
On the day of her birth, 26 October 1925, she was given a teddy bear.
Barbara’s grandma knitted some clothes, a hat and a scarf for teddy, and also made him a little red pair of shoes. Each day Barbara would take her teddy out into the garden to play with him.
One day Barbara felt unwell and her mother rang for the doctor. The doctor visited Barbara at home and asked her to open her mouth up wide so that he could look into the back of her throat with a little torch.
'Oh Barbara you look like you have tonsillitis, which makes you feel sick and have a very sore throat’, said the doctor.
The doctor prescribed some special medicine for Barbara to make her feel better.
Before the doctor left her asked Barbara, 'What is the name of your teddy?'
'Oh’, Barbara replied, 'I just call him Teddy.'
'I think you should name Teddy, Tonsie after your very sore throat.'
From that day onwards teddy was always called Tonsie.
“Although I had many toys, it grew to be my favourite….I won a competition for writing an essay about ‘My favourite toy’, when I was in the bubs at Subiaco Primary School. One day as a small child ill in bed and visited by the local doctor, I was asked by him, “What is the bear’s name?” Up until then it was just Teddy, so my father said, “How about tonsillitis?” as I had just been diagnosed as having that complaint. Apparently everyone thought it was a great idea. The doctor laughed and I said “Tonsie” and the name stuck.”
-Barbara van Onselen (nee Webster), 2002
Barbara’s parents thought Tonsie may get lonely sometimes so for Barbara’s next birthday they bought her another bear.
Once again Barbara’s Grandma knitted a nice cardigan, trousers and scarf for teddy bear.
Barbara loved playing with both her teddies, Tonsie and little Teddy in the back garden of her home.
Tonsie and little Teddy were companions to Barbara for her whole life. They even travelled with Barbara to South Australia when she moved there to live.
It was Barbara’s expressed wish, at the time of her donation, that both teddies find a new home at the Subiaco Museum together. She wrote a letter to the museum staff expressing her wish that the two teddies would be accepted to the collection. Upon the day of Barbara’s passing, her wish was fulfilled with the arrival of the two teddies at Subiaco Museum. ‘Tonsie’ and his little companion are currently on display at the Subiaco Museum.

Barbara's letter to the Museum.