John Thomson (1887-1960) was a visionary figure in the development of Western Australian agribusiness through his work for Westralian Farmers, especially as general manager from 1925 to 1957. Among his achievements were the organisation of the Western Australian Wheat Pool for orderly marketing; the establishment of the State’s first radio station, 6WF; and the foundation of the State’s first pasteurisation plant for milk processing.
During the Depression years of the 1930s he was largely responsible for persuading wheat farmers to adopt co-operative bulk handling and successfully fought to negotiate better terms for the overseas shipping of Western Australian grain. He continued to diversify the activities of the co-operative throughout his career and made a lasting contribution to the rural community.
Royal Agricultural Society of Western Australia
Royal Agricultural Society of Western Australia
Other items by Artist: Derrick Carroll
- FALCONER OAM Peter Mckenzie
- PEARSE CBE William Colin Kennedy(Colin)
- FITZPATRICK AM Edgar Noel (Noel)
- ZEKULICH Joze (Joe)
- EDMONDSON AO George Rex (Rex)
- GAYFOR AM Hon Harry Walter (Mick)
- SNOOK Dr Laurence Cecil (Laurie)
- WILDING Thomas Henry (Tom)
- MALCOLM Clive Vincent
- PERKINS AO Charles Henry (Harry)
- HENDERSON Gregory William (Bill)
Other items from Royal Agricultural Society of Western Australia
- TOOP Claude Roderick
- TRANDOS OAM Nicolas (Nick)
- TREFORT Peter James
- UNDERWOOD AO CBE Professor Eric John
- CRIPPS AO John Ernest Lane
- CROSBIE Graham
- CULLEN AM Diana Madeline (Di)
- 1988 Perth Royal Show Artwork
- 1989 Perth Royal Show Artwork
- 1990 Perth Royal Show Artwork
- 1991 Perth Royal Show Artwork
- 1992 Perth Royal Show Artwork