SNOOK Dr Laurence Cecil (Laurie)
Laurie Snook (1909-1998) was a leading authority on animal nutrition, from 1946 to 1962 with the Department of Agriculture and then as an adviser to the UN Food and Agriculture Organisation, mostly working overseas.
After early work on pregnancy in ewes his main areas of research were on the phosphorus needs of dairy cows and especially on the improvement of pastures. He was the pioneer scientific advocate of the value of tagasaste (tree lucerne) as an effective and environmentally beneficial fodder for livestock in Western Australia.
Royal Agricultural Society of Western Australia
Royal Agricultural Society of Western Australia
Other items by Artist: Derrick Carroll
- WILDING Thomas Henry (Tom)
- MALCOLM Clive Vincent
- FITZPATRICK AM Edgar Noel (Noel)
- ZEKULICH Joze (Joe)
- PERKINS AO Charles Henry (Harry)
- GAYFOR AM Hon Harry Walter (Mick)
- FALCONER OAM Peter Mckenzie
- PEARSE CBE William Colin Kennedy(Colin)
- HENDERSON Gregory William (Bill)
- EDMONDSON AO George Rex (Rex)
Other items from Royal Agricultural Society of Western Australia
- SUTTON CMG Dr George Lowe
- TEAKLE CMG Professor Lawrence John Hartley (Hartley)
- TEASDALE CBE Sir John Smith
- BURVILL George Henry
- TOOP Claude Roderick
- TRANDOS OAM Nicolas (Nick)
- TREFORT Peter James
- UNDERWOOD AO CBE Professor Eric John
- CRIPPS AO John Ernest Lane
- CROSBIE Graham
- CULLEN AM Diana Madeline (Di)
- 1988 Perth Royal Show Artwork