Baseball WA > Records

1936 Western Australian State baseball team


A black and white photograph of the 1936 Western Australian State baseball team with officials and bat boys.

Historical information

This image of the first Western Australian State baseball team was published in 'The West Australian' newspaper on 18 September 1936. Competitive baseball was in its infancy in Western Australia when the Victorian baseball team was invited to Perth to play a series of Test matches. The first Test was played on Saturday 19 September at Gloucester Park, with Victoria narrowly defeating Western Australia 6 runs to 5. The following Wednesday the WACA Ground was the venue for the 2nd Test, with Western Australia defeating the Victorian team 8 runs to 4. On Saturday 26 September, at Gloucester Park, Victoria won the 3rd Test, 12 runs to 6.

[State Library of Western Australia image 018931PD]



Registration number
Item type
29.5000 cm
Height or length
21 cm
Contextual Information

In the inaugural State baseball team, 17 Western Australian players were selected to participate in one match or another against the Victorians during the three-Test series. The players were presented with their black and gold uniforms by their captain R. Denford. R. Wilberforce, the well-known cricketer, defied superstition by smilingly accepting a uniform bearing No. 13.
Back row (from left): C. Adams (property man), G. Bowers, R. Wilberforce, A. Downing, L. Fisher, G. Dickinson, R. Courtney, F. Oliver, C. Witton, R. Halcombe (manager); front row: G. Randall, G. Dunstan, H. Denford, J. Scharf, R. Denford (captain), D. Carr (vice captain), W. Lynch, G. Evans, O. Lovelock; In front: R. Adams and R. Monkhouse (bat boys).


Statement of significance

Baseball was a very new and popular sport in Western Australia in 1936. This photograph is of historic significance because it is of the first Western Australian baseball team to represent the State in an Australian interstate baseball competition. The image first appeared in Perth’s daily newspaper, ‘The West Australian’ in September 1936, at a time when the sport was widely reported. The State Library of Western Australia preserves the original image and the names of those in the photograph.

Primary significance criteria
Historic significance
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West Australian 1936 State baseball team
1936 State baseball team.
State Library of Western Australia <Image 018931PD>

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