Katanning Grammar School Share Certificate

c. 1931

A share certificate for the Katanning Grammar School Limited which is in the name of William Milson Baker. The left hand side of the certificate has perforations. The number of shares that were bought were fifty for the price of one pound each. On the back of the certificate is a form to Transfer Shares'

Historical information

The Katanning Grammar School purchased the 'Bungalow' which was Dr. F.M. House's house and established the school in May 1929. The first statutory meeting of the Katanning Grammar School limited was held on the 12th July 1929.



Registration number
Item type
26.1000 cm
Height or length
20.4000 cm
Inscriptions and markings

There is a red penny Western Australia duty stamp on the right hand side of the certificate which has an 'AUTHORISED' stamped across it and a signature and a date of '6/4/31'
At the bottom right of the certificate stamped in purple ink is a round circle and around the inside edge the words 'KATANNING GRAMMAR SCHOOL LIMITED' and in the middle of the circle the sords 'COMMON SEAL'
At the bottom middle of the certificate are the hand written signatures of the Director and Secretary, neither are legible.

Contextual Information

William Milson Baker operated a butcher's shop in partnership with Mr. E.L. Holly until he bought the shop in his own right and died on the 15th Jan 1923, he left a widow and two daughters.


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Courtesy of Katanning Historical Society.

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Katanning Historical Society

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Katanning Grammar School Limited share certificate.
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