Lake Poorrarecup and surrounding lakes after floods.
Lake Poorrarecup and surrounding lakes after floods.
Little or no run-off.
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Nearest geotagged records:
- World War 1, South-West Asia, Turkey, Gallipoli, 810 MASON, 10 Light Horse, 1915 (25.83km away)
- World War 1 , Australia Western Australia, 1826 GILLAM, 44 Battalion, 1916 (29.6km away)
- World War 1, Europe Turkey Gallipoli, 618 GILLAM, , 10 Australian Light Horse,1915 (29.96km away)
- World War 1 , Australia Western Australia, 1826 GILLAM, 44 Battalion, 1916 (29.99km away)
- World War 1 , Australia Western Australia, 1826 GILLAM, 44 Battalion, 1918 (30km away)
- World War 1, Australia, Western Australia, 706 BETTS, 10 Light Horse (30.65km away)
- Atlas Service Station, JC & LR Preston (32.64km away)
- JB Pages Store and Bakery, and Shell Service Station. (32.66km away)
- World War 1, Europe Turkey Gallipoli, 10 Australian Light Horse, 655 GILLAM, 1915 (32.68km away)
- CWA (Country Womens Association) Rest Rooms (32.77km away)
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Cranbrook Public Library
Cranbrook Public Library
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- Main Roads Department attempting repair on Albany Highway.
- McInnes Property, restoring fence line.
- Muir Bridge
- Northern Lake System
- Part of the lakes system near Rob Standishs' house.
- Percy Lawrences' home that was inondated , and isolated by the floods.
- A McInnes Property
- Frankland River at Yeriminup Bridge.
- Receding floodwaters at Slab Hut creek, through Ron Dennys' property.
- Receding floodwaters near the Yeriminup Bridge, Frankland River.
- Shamrock Road, resulting flood damage.
- Rising floodwaters, Albany Highway.
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