Goods train approaching Perth Station
1968Pier St, Perth, with R class on up goods, from top of Canterbury Court. ER line.
Photo type: colour digital print.
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Nearest geotagged records:
- Perth Station (0km away)
- WAGR ADX and ADA class, Perth Station (0km away)
- Perth Station, dining room (0km away)
- Perth Station, interstate train advertisements (0km away)
- Parcel counter, Perth Station (0km away)
- Perth Station (0km away)
- Perth Station (0km away)
- Perth Station Goods Yard (0km away)
- Perth Station (0km away)
- Perth Station (0km away)
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Other items by P. Hopper
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- G 123, G 233 on Bunbury turntable
- Suburban railcars, Goodwood
- V 1219 on goods train
- V 1219 on goods train
- Steam locomotive G 233
- Ashburton' locomotive under repair, East Perth
- G 123, G 233 on Bunbury turntable
- Pm 717 on goods train
- Shunting CSBP siding
- Locomotives in East Perth shed
- V 1221, York loco shed
Other items from Rail Heritage WA
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- F and V class locomotives on goods train
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- F and V class locomotives on goods train
- PM 708 on goods train
- PM 708 on goods train
- PM 708 on goods train