First Collier Government, Western Australia ca 1924.
1924Additional information from photograph: 1st Collier Government, Western Australia 1923 (I think). Back row: Jas. Cunningham (later Senator), J.M. Drew, S.W. Munsie, Jas. Hickey. Front row: Alex McCallum, W.C. Angwin, Philip Collier (Premier), J.C. Willcock, F.M. Troy.
Curtin University Library
Curtin University Library
Other items by McCallum, Alexander.
- Horses drinking from dam at Koojarlee
- Alex and Bessie McCallum and others in front of a steam locomotive, Merredin to Narembeen railway, July 1924.
- Alex McCallum at the driving of the first pile for the new jetty at Esperance, January 1934.
- Horse-drawn hearse in funeral procession for Tom Edwards, Fremantle, 9 May 1919.
- Crowds watching Alex McCallum at foundation stone ceremony, Lake Grace Hall, 29 November 1929.
- Alex and Bessie McCallum on a wild turkey shoot, Leonora
- Chalet, Mt Buffalo Victoria.
- Draught horse team at Koojarlee.
- Alex McCallum and others having a tea break on a farm inspection.
- Alex McCallum laying foundation stone, Lake Grace Hall, 29 November 1929.
- Alex McCallum and others in snow country, 1928?
- Draught horses at Koojarlee.
Other items from Curtin University Library
- Alex McCallum with Clydesdale horse, Muntadgin.
- Alex McCallum at Canning Dam, September 1933.
- Alex McCallum and others at Mundaring Weir.
- Unveiling of commemorative tablet at Canning Dam.
- Alex and Bessie McCallum in large gathering at Lake Brown (North of Merredin), July 1924.
- Alex McCallum and others in front of the Upper Blackwood Road Board office.
- Second Collier Government, Western Australia 1933.
- Burra Mine, Flinders Range South Australia, 1925.
- River Murray at Mannum, South Australia, July 1925.
- HMS Renown passing Watsons Bay NSW, 1927.
- Canning Stock Route, Well No.5.
- Steam train arriving at Flinders Bay.