Dual gauge track at Woodbridge
Dual Gauge track at Woodbridge depicting the 'third rail reverse'. The narrow gauge rail changed to coincide with altered trackage.
Photo type: B & W.
Other items from Rail Heritage WA
- Loading containers, North Wharf, Fremantle
- Empty bauxite train at Jarrahdale
- Containers on standard gauge wagon, Midland
- G 50 diesel locomotive, Midland
- V class locomotive at Maylands
- R 1901 on bauxite train
- Mineral sands train being loaded at Eneabba
- A 1501 hauling loaded grain train
- Roofs of mineral sands wagons at Eneabba
- Sleeper construction shed at Meckering
- Track work, Dalwallinu
- Track work, Meckering