Oral History - Camille Scanlon
Oral History with Camille Scanlon recorded by CarolineTelfer
Camille Scanlon is a descendant of James Stewart, one of the earliest settlers in the Moodiarrup District. Her grandmother, Isabelle Trigwell was James’ daughter. Margaret Trigwell, or Maggie as she was often know, Isabelle’s daughter, is Camille’s mother. Camille’s father was Tom Perry and the Perry family have also been long-time residents of the Darkan area. In this interview Camille talks about family, school in Darkan, the farm, the Brown family, teaching, and living in Arthur River.
Camille has connections to the Stewart, Trigwell, Perry families all of whom were early settlers in the West Arthur Area including Haddleton, Moodiarrup/Glenorchy, Darkan and Arthur River.
Betty Brown Historical Centre (Shire of West Arthur)
Betty Brown Historical Centre (Shire of West Arthur)
Other items from Betty Brown Historical Centre (Shire of West Arthur)
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