Western Australian State Repatriation Board members.
c. 1918Standing, left to right: H.P. Hocking (Secretary), R.S. Black, C.B. Cox, Lt.Col. H. Pope C.B. (late 16th Btn.). Seated, left to right: A.G. Wright (late 51st Btn.), W.W. Garner (Chairman), A. McCallum, A.J. McNeill (Vice Chairman).
Curtin University Library
Curtin University Library
Other items by McCallum, Alexander.
- Draught horses at Koojarlee.
- Alex Panton, MLC, and Fremantle Lumpers Union President, William Renton, with his head bandaged as a result of wounds incurred in the Fremantle Wharf riot, May 1919.
- Alex McCallum (2nd from left), Philip Collier and others at roadside.
- Alex McCallum laying foundation stone, Lake Grace Hall, 29 November 1929.
- Yachts racing on the Swan River, 191-?
- Alex McCallum and others & railmotor.
- Draught horse at Koojarlee.
- Draught horse team at Koojarlee.
- Stock dam at Koojarlee
- Sheep at Koojarlee.
- Alex and Bessie McCallum on a wild turkey shoot, Leonora
- Alex and Bessie McCallum and others on a rail wagon, 192?
Other items from Curtin University Library
- John Curtin, Bessie and Alex McCallum.
- Lady Gibson (Mayoress of Fremantle) with the Duchess of York. Bessie McCallum in background. Fremantle.
- First Collier Government, Western Australia ca 1924.
- Alex McCallum with Clydesdale horse, Muntadgin.
- Alex McCallum at Canning Dam, September 1933.
- Alex McCallum and others at Mundaring Weir.
- Unveiling of commemorative tablet at Canning Dam.
- Alex and Bessie McCallum and others in front of a steam locomotive, Merredin to Narembeen railway, July 1924.
- Alex and Bessie McCallum in large gathering at Lake Brown (North of Merredin), July 1924.
- Alex McCallum and others in front of the Upper Blackwood Road Board office.
- Second Collier Government, Western Australia 1933.
- Crowds watching Alex McCallum at foundation stone ceremony, Lake Grace Hall, 29 November 1929.