Perth station
1944Perth station looking west from the Horseshoe Bridge, yards, tracks, passenger platform, sheds, ER line.
Photo type: black and white.
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Nearest geotagged records:
- Perth Station (0km away)
- WAGR ADX and ADA class, Perth Station (0km away)
- Perth Station, dining room (0km away)
- Perth Station, interstate train advertisements (0km away)
- Parcel counter, Perth Station (0km away)
- Perth Station (0km away)
- Perth Station (0km away)
- Perth Station Goods Yard (0km away)
- Perth Station (0km away)
- Perth Station (0km away)
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Other items by W. Jack
- Moora Station
- Railway bridge near Denmark
- WAGR F class with work train
- WAGR N class with passenger train
- WAGR P class locomotive
- WAGR Goods Train
- WAGR wagons at Spearwood
- WAGR Msa class garratt
- WAGR ASG class garratt with goods train
- Midland Railway of Western Australia A class
- The "Albany Express" passenger train
- WAGR P class locomotive
Other items from Rail Heritage WA
- MRWA G class with ARHS carriages at Pinjarra
- Pemberton Tramway V class at Lyall siding
- Hotham Valley Railway train entering Dwellingup
- Pemberton Tramway V class at Lyall siding
- AI class petrol coach
- Railmotor inspection car
- WAGR Pm class with goods train
- WAGR W class with ARHS tour train
- Millars locomotive "Geraldton"
- WAGR suburban train at Claremont
- Bartons Mill yard, 1 of 2
- Bartons Mill yard, 2 of 2