World War 2, Field Telephone Set F Mk 1


The Telephone Set, F, Mk. I was a portable instrument for army communication Item manufactured by Standard Telephones and Cables Pty Ltd of Sydney Australia during World War 2. The STC WW2 Military field telephone Set F Mk 1was hand cranked and had a Bakelite handset receiver and metal body..

Historical information

As an "all magneto system, two phones can be connected together by a pair of wires. It uses carbon microphones which require energising from a local battery. The phone uses a moving coil earpiece. Each example carries either two small 1.5 volt or a single 3 volt battery for the microphone and a hand operated magneto which generated AC current to ring the bell on the telephone at the far end of the line. The original batteries were "X" cells which were carbon/zinc type connected to two brass screw terminals.



Registration number
Inscriptions and markings

Reliable speech cannot be obtained through more than 14 to 16 miles of D8 twisted cable or 8 to 10 miles of D3 twisted cable. These distances refer to cable in good condition having a minimum number of well-made and well-insulated joints. The use of deteriorated cable, or cable with indifferent joints, may easily reduce these ranges by as much as 50 per cent. Wet cable and cable laid on the ground, even in good condition, will always give shorter ranges than dry cable or cable supported off the ground.

Contextual Information

This object is in the Communications Gallery commissioned by the Australian Army Museum of Western Australia as part of the Centenary commemorations of the Royal Australian Corps of Signals in the broader context of the evolution of communications technologies. Communication devices used by the Australian Army also are presented in their operational context throughout the Museum.

Australian Army Museum of Western Australia

Australian Army Museum of Western Australia

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Set F
F Mk 1

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