Katanning Historical Society at the Dyliabing Soak Memorial at Badgebup
c. 1951A black and white photograph of a group of men and women standing behind and alongside a memorial.
Katanning Historical Society group at the Dyliabing Soak Memorial in Badgebup.
On the back of the photograph handwritten is "At soldier's soak 'Dylabing'" and below this is "Back L to R. Job Haddleton, unknown, Arthur Day, Mr Hedges Dale, Marcus Beeck, Melvin Dale, Mr Cyril Garstone, Mr W.A. Beeck, Horace Tyler, unknown, Mr Edwin Beeck, Noel Beeck." and below this "Front Mrs Day, Mrs Noel Beeck, Mrs Marcus Beeck,unknown, Mrs Horace Tyler, Mrs Stewart Long, unknown, Mrs Edwin Beeck".
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Copyright and Reference
Courtesy of Katanning Historical Society.
Katanning Historical Society
Katanning Historical Society
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