Two W class locos back to back
1969W class 940, W class, back to back, empty ballast, wooden road overbridge, railway barracks right background, leaving Bridgetown for River Siding, PP line.
Photo type: colour digital print.
Other items by P. Hopper
- Locomotive, Bunbury roundhouse
- Goods train on bridge, Boyanup
- G 123, G 233 on Bunbury turntable
- Locomotives in East Perth shed
- Steam locomotive G 233
- DD class 594, Boans Santa Special, approaching Victoria St station. ER line
- WAGR W class locomotive
- V 1219 on goods train
- Pm 717 on goods train
- V 1221, York loco shed
- WAGR PR class 525, "Frankland".
- Bunbury to Perth holiday train