From the Collection #16 - 6 Tunneling Company


Part of the "From the Collection" series prepared and distributed to a subscribers' list during 2022 as a follow on to the "Virtual Visit" series initiated during the COVID lockdowns of 2020 and 2021 The collection focus of this item are the Tunneling Companies from Western Australia on the Western Front in World War 1

Historical information

In the history of 6 Tunnelling Company, it is recorded that on 28 February 1916, Capt. FW Lawson, then attending the Engineers Officers School of Instruction at Sydney, was instructed from Headquarters to proceed to Perth and recruit No. 6 Company entirely in West Australia. Incidentally it may be recorded that a unique distinction was thus placed on West Australia in that although she had already supplied the greatest share of one of the earlier Companies (No. 3) she was now being asked to supply a whole Company while the other Companies (Nos. 4 & 5) were to be divided amongst the remaining States



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Contextual Information

Typically only a small portion of a museum collection is exhibited at any one time. This is due not only to practical consideration of display space but a range of professional considerations designed to protect and preserve the artefact. This series highlights objects and stories you may have overlooked in the galleries or collection items awaiting the opportunity to be viewed and share their story.

Australian Army Museum of Western Australia

Australian Army Museum of Western Australia

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