Medal - Defence Medal (World War 2)


The Defence Medal is a campaign medal instituted by the United Kingdom in May 1945, The Defence Medal is a disk, 36 millimetres in diameter. The non-swivelling straight bar suspender is attached to the medal with a single-toe claw mount and a pin through the upper edge of the medal. The medals were struck in cupro-nickel,
The obverse, designed by Humphrey Paget, shows the bareheaded effigy of King George VI, facing left. Around the perimeter is the legend "GEORGIVS VI D:G:BR:OMN:REX F:D:IND:IMP." (George 6th, by the grace of God, King of all the Britains, Defender of the Faith, Emperor of India).
The reverse, designed by Harold Parker, shows the Royal Crown resting on an oak sapling, flanked by a lion and a lioness above stylised waves. At the top left is the year "1939" and at the top right the year "1945". The exergue has the words "THE DEFENCE MEDAL" in two lines.

Historical information

The Defence Medal was awarded to citizens of the British Commonwealth for both non-operational military and certain types of civilian war service during World War 2. In a non-operational area subjected to air attack or closely threatened, the requirement was 180 days (six months) of service overseas from or outside a person's country of residence. An exception was made for Northern Territory of Australia, north of latitude 14°30' South, from 3 September 1939 to 2 September 1945.



Registration number
Inscriptions and markings

The ribbon is 32 millimetres wide, with a 4½ millimetres wide green band, a 1 millimetre wide black band and a 4½ millimetres wide green band, repeated and separated by a 12 millimetres wide orange band. The flame-coloured orange centre band and the green bands symbolise enemy attacks on Britain's green and pleasant land while the narrow black bands represent the black-outs against air attacks.
Medals awarded to Australians, were impressed with the recipient's name and details.

Contextual Information

The Australian Army Museum of WA collection retains multiple examples of this medal either singly or in groups as an ongoing memorial to the service and sacrifice of Western Australians. Medals are displayed in context throughout the Museum. All medals are identified, archivally stored and those not on display are accessible and viewable with prior notice.

Australian Army Museum of Western Australia

Australian Army Museum of Western Australia

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